Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hoyle and Boyle*

  Tom (Soft Balls) Brady has, of course already appealed the decision on his part in "Deflate-gate" and "Ballghazi" and, as I like to call it: Permanent Asteriskville. For some strange reason, ol' Soft Balls failed to cooperate with the original investigation. Perhaps he thought that the weird, and
more-than-a-little-bit-creepy bubble New England fans surrounded him with would protect him. Well, that's what he gets for thinking. During the initial news conference, Brady said: "I don't know anything about anything." Now, it may just be some old prejudice against jocks talking here; but I believed that he was right.
  In any event, I'm sure that Brady will do some wheeling and dealing to get the penalty knocked down to the level of a wife beater or child abuser. Soft Balls and his team are a big deal in the
nfl, and big moneymakers. The good old NFL knows that what's important is profitability. Why else play the game?

*look 'em up

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