Monday, February 23, 2015

...By Any Other Name...

The right-wing has been excoriating President Obama for refusing to use the words 'Radical Islamic Terrorists' when referring to ISIS, and other enemies. They point out, quite rightly, that only by using the proper name can our enemies be defeated. This, of course, is the highly effective "Rumplestiltskin Strategy', in which, immediately upon saying the name, the earth will open up, and demons will drag them to the pit of hell- as happened in the aforementioned story. And, as any child knows, the only possible counter to the Rumplestiltskin Strategy is the 'Sticks and Stones Gambit', which must be used immediately if it is to have any effect. As Republicans are aware, the enemy lacks the sophistication necessary to successfully deploy such a defense, and will therefore be defeated. Would that the president would only see the light, and bow to the collective wisdom that is today's Republican Party.

The destruction of Ol' Rumplestiltskin, and his cool weaving-gold-cloth-from-straw factory, deprived us of one of the most exciting and innovative start-ups in the history of folk-lore. I, for one, will always regret never being given the chance to wear gold-woven tube-socks

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