Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Diminished Thing

  The two debates tonight showed that the Republican Party is a pathetic mess and that Fox News is doing everything they can to manipulate the outcome.
  The first debate was held in an empty arena. Fox repeatedly showed it to emphasize the unimportance of the seven candidates. They asked questions that seemed to demean and embarrass the seven and, for some reason, addressed Carly Fiorina, the only woman, by her first name.
  In the second debate, they put Trump on the offensive immediately and deliberately pitted candidates against each other.
  The Republican National Committee is either complicit in this design or felt unable to influence Fox to be- how shall I put this- fair and balanced.
  All the Republicans running for president think  that Obama is deliberately destroying our country. I've got another theory.
  What if an actual outsider decided to come to this country and act as a mole to destroy us from within? What if his devious mind has concocted a perfectly cunning plan to take us down by catering to and exacerbating the fear and ignorance of a large segment of our society? And what if that mole actually finds a way to become the puppet master, not only of that segment, but an entire political party?
  In the words of Christopher Moore, that would be some really heinous fuckery.
  Where was Rupert Murdoch born?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fifteen Little.... Oh Fuck It!

  As of this writing, there are now seventeen people running for the Republican nomination for president. And, as of this writing, that number is irrelevant. Not because they espouse a political ideology that is obsolete and morally bankrupt- well, not only because of that. The reason they are essentially toast from the get-go is Fox News. Fox is hosting the first debate with only the top tier of the top ten candidates. With their usual integrity, they fudged the math to get John Kasich a seat at the table (more accurately, a stand at the lectern.) Since the debate's in Ohio, who could blame them for getting its sitting governor a shot at it.
  Kasich's spot came at the expense of Rick (currently on trial) Perry. Perry is famous not only for his 'oops' moment in the last race, but also for apparently falling in love with a bottle of maple syrup onstage, during a speech. (How's that square with your obsession with man-dog marriage Justice Scalia?) Also left out of the debate is the man who was number two (in both senses) during the last Republican primary, Rick (santorum) Santorum. Several campaigns, including Santorum's may run out of steam before the first race even starts.
  The biggest and saddest, most pathetic news is this: Donald Fucking Trump is still the leading contender.
Note: The Washington Post Reported that Bill Clinton spoke to Trump about politics back in May. It seems that Trump reached out to Clinton, and according to a Clinton insider, the campaign was not discussed. That being said, if Bill Clinton did happen to help Trump decide to run, he deserves to go down in history as the greatest political strategist of all time.