Sunday, March 25, 2012

Machiavelli- Eat your Heart Out

Conservatives all grew up watching John Wayne movies; they naturally have a better grasp of military strategy and tactics than doll playing liberals. Now they've proven their natural superiority with a cogent criticism of Obama's Afghan War plans. Specifically: the withdrawal date.

The announced departure timetable creates, in effect, a sell-by date for the war. Our enemies have only to hold out until we leave, in order to (somehow) march triumphantly into Kabul, undoing all our work.

Lefties have responded to this incontestable point by noting, snootily, that the conservatives have not bothered to offer an alternative strategy of their own.


That is their plan.

Liberals cannot grasp the depth and subtlety of conservative thinking. If the best way to defeat an enemy is to not let him know your plans, then having no plans is the ultimate path to victory.

Think about it. Even the best positioned Taliban spy, one who followed the candidates night and day, couldn't find out what the Republicans are up to- because they don't know  themselves.

That's beautiful, man.

Even a psychic, even Nancy Reagan's astrologer, can't predict what these guys are going to do. You could kidnap the candidates and use torture- I mean- enhanced interrogation and you'd get nothing. Absolutely nothing.

If the ultimate strategy is ignorance, Republicans have it made.

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