Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mohammed Goes To The Mountain

Rick Santorum is in Puerto Rico Looking for votes. He went only there so they wouldn't come here, but he was nice enough to give them some advice on attaining statehood. He let them know that they would have to meet the same standards as all the other states did in having English as the official language. Thank God for Santorum. Without him we'd all be under the delusion that no states had to adopt English to join the Union, just because history tells us they didn't.

Even if it's not true, it's still a good idea. If any country needs an official language it's us.

Rick Perry can't pronounce the word 'height.' He seems to think it ends with a 'th.' Where I come from some people put 'erl' in their cars and listen to the Duke of 'oil' on their radios. Southerners can pull three or four syllables out of y'all. And don't get me started on on the way Minnesotans glorify their O's.

And that's just pronunciation. If we all really spoke the same language we'd be able to understand each other's points of view. Politics would be civil. Conservative pundits would no longer be watched as drinking games (a shot for every- feminazi, or pin-head reference for example.)

Liberals would finally understand the right wing-nuts They'd be comprehensible to normal minds. We might even become best buddies, and ...uh... I mean-

Never mind.

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